Certainly, here's a list of various types of weapons, categorized based on their nature and use:

**1. Firearms:**
   - Handguns (e.g., pistols, revolvers)
   - Rifles
   - Shotguns
   - Submachine guns
   - Assault rifles
**2. Edged Weapons:**
   - Knives
   - Swords
   - Machetes
   - Axes
   - Daggers

**3. Blunt Weapons:**
   - Clubs
   - Maces
   - War hammers
   - Baseball bats (improvised)
**4. Explosive Weapons:**
   - Grenades
   - Landmines
   - Dynamite
   - C4 (plastic explosives)
**5. Melee Weapons:**
   - Brass knuckles
   - Tonfas
   - Nunchucks
   - Staffs

**6. Projectile Weapons:**
   - Bows
   - Crossbows
   - Slingshots
**7. Artillery:**
   - Cannons
   - Howitzers
   - Mortars
**8. Missile Systems:**
   - Anti-aircraft missiles
   - Anti-tank missiles
   - Cruise missiles
   - Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)
**9. Chemical Weapons:**
   - Nerve agents (e.g., sarin, VX)
   - Mustard gas
   - Tear gas
**10. Biological Weapons:**
    - Biological toxins
    - Disease-causing agents

**11. Nuclear Weapons:**
    - Atomic bombs
    - Hydrogen bombs

**12. Cyber Weapons:**
    - Malware
    - Computer viruses
    - Hacking tools
**13. Non-lethal Weapons:**
    - Pepper spray
    - Stun guns
    - Rubber bullets
    - Water cannons

It's important to note that while some weapons are designed for military purposes, others may have civilian applications or be used for self-defense. The ethical use and regulation of weapons are critical considerations in discussions about their proliferation and impact on global security.